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Northern Group Excursion

  • Arthurs Lake, Central Highlands Australia (map)

Leader: Roy Skabo and Jeff Campbell

Location: Arthurs Lake with Launceston Field Naturalists members to look for wildflowers.

We will meet on Lyttleton St, Longford (near the public toilets) before 9 am so we can car-pool and then depart at 9 am sharp for Arthurs Lake. We will no doubt stop along the way a couple of times to look at the flowers, which should be close to their peak at this time of year.

We will have lunch somewhere near the lake so bring a chair along, food and drinks, with all the other usual gear. Good walking shoes or boots and gaiters would be a good idea.

December 5

Hobart Group - End of Year Lunch

December 21

Heritage Forest Tasmanian Native Plant Garden - working bee