North West Group
We always welcome people who share an interest in, or want to find out about, Australia’s native plants.
When: Third Tuesday (excluding January) during Summer, Autumn and Spring months.
Time: after 7pm for a 7.30pm start
Where: East Devonport Tennis Club, 48 Wright Street, East Devonport.
Check the APST website for special events in July, August and December.
Meetings will feature a guest speaker, a cuppa, and the Plant Table. The Table allows members to show cuttings of what is delighting them in their garden and to share information about growing them.
When: Usually the Thursday following the meeting on the third Tuesday of the month.
Time: 10 am to 2 pm
Where: Tasmanian Arboretum
46 Old Tramway Road, Eugenana.
Usually on the Thursday morning following the monthly meeting, members prepare plants for our public sales. This is an opportunity to learn the techniques of growing new plants from cuttings and seed, potting on and caring for a native garden. This activity gives members access to plants at low cost.
Plant Sales
In Autumn, we hold our major Plant Sale at the Tasmanian Arboretum, Eugenana. In Spring, we are at the Port Sorell Spring Fair. A range of plants, some not usually seen in commercial nurseries, are available at reasonable prices.
We aim to publish a monthly newsletter, which is emailed to members.
Excursion to Minnow Falls
The Arboretum at Eugenana.
Native plants sale at the Port Sorell Spring Fair
Upcoming events.
Contact us.
For further information, please contact Secretary
Drew Thomas, either 0488 402 210, or apstnorthwest@gmail.com
For information, and to register for propagation events, please contact Riitta Boevink on 0448 386 909.