New Members
A warm welcome is extended to all new society members. We have much to enjoy, compare and share throughout the state. Beyond Tasmania many friendships and contacts are made between society members and regions throughout Australia. For new members subscriptions remain valid for 12 months from the date of joining. An introductory plant voucher is provided for each new member and plants can be claimed from either the monthly meeting plant trading table or group nursery.
Membership Pricing
A: Individual, Organisation or Overseas - $40/year
B: Individual with APJ - $65/year
C: Individual concession - $37/year
D: Individual concession with APJ - $62/year
E: Household, individual plus 1 additional adult - $49/year
F: Household, individual plus 1 additional adult plus APJ - $74/year
G: Household, individual concession plus 1 additional adult - $46/year
H: Household, individual concession plus 1 additional adult plus APJ - $71/year
I: Overseas and Overseas Organisation - $55/year
New member subscription
It is preferred that you pay your membership subscription through this website. Use the ‘Sign Up Here’ tab below, to create your account then select the membership plan which suits you. Please note that your credit card details are retained in a secure encrypted system for future renewals.
Once payment is made you will receive a confirmation email indicating that payment has been received and your membership has been accepted.
Members receive an email reminder two weeks prior to the subscription elapsing with payment options.
APJ - The Australian Plants Journal is an Australia wide Journal containing quality papers highlighting individual plants / groups or communities. It is published quarterly as a hard copy and can be obtained by choosing the membership pricing which includes it, annual subscription is $25.
Benefits of Membership
Members receive each year:
Four issues of the APST journal Eucryphia (electronic).
Group newsletters.
An invitation to the annual members get-together hosted by Groups on a rotational basis (usually held in November).
And Biennially, an invitation to the ANPSA national conference, hosted by States & Territories on a rotational basis.
Members enjoy:
Meetings often featuring knowledgeable speakers.
Excursions to places of botanical interest, including private properties.
Visits to public and private native gardens for inspection and enjoyment.
Free exchange of information.
Access to APST libraries.
Access to society publications at a discounted rate.
Australian plants flower shows and exhibitions.
Access to rarer plants, made available at some monthly meetings or propagation sessions.
Propagation sessions at Group nurseries for furthering knowledge on growing plants including rarer species.
Opportunities to work together on projects which showcase Australian plants and promote biodiversity.
Social interactions at all Group events including end of year especially functions.
Group Meetings
All groups meet monthly (except in January). Details of meeting time, venue and contact person for each group are listed on the website and in the Journal. Visitors are always welcome. Each group meeting has its own individual format and this usually includes a talk by a member or invited guest on matters relating to Australian plants and a display of flowers from members' gardens. Plants, seeds, books and propagation materials can be made available for purchase.
Excursions to places of botanical interest take the form of garden visits, field trips and nursery inspections.
Members requiring transport can make arrangements at the previous meeting, or can contact the trip coordinator. No dogs are allowed on excursions.
On official APS excursions, members are expected to abide by the directions of the coordinator. It is the policy of the Society not to collect on official excursions.
Propagation Materials
Useful equipment such as planter bags and pots, plastic labels, rooting hormone, blood & bone, potting mix and many other materials are available at discount prices through the appropriate officer at some group meetings.
Download membership form and pay by direct deposit
If you would prefer, you can click the button below to fill out our online membership form. Once payment is made you will receive a confirmation email to indicate payment has been received and that your membership has been accepted. Members will receive a reminder email a month before the anniversary of joining and payment will need to be made by the anniversary date.
If you have any issues please email membership@apstas.com.au.