Hobart Group
Activities and Meetings
Hobart Group Meetings
When: Second Wednesdays of each month (excluding January) during Summer, Autumn and Spring months and usually a daytime meeting in the winter months.
Time: 7.30 PM
Where: Kingston Primary School Library, Church Street, Kingston - follow BLUE path on map.
The meetings are a great way to learn about native plants, with a wide array of fascinating guest speakers. There is also a shorter ‘flower of the month’ member presentation every meeting. ‘Where I’ve been what I’ve seen’ sessions allow members to share their stories. Following the meeting, supper is enjoyed around a display table containing labelled flowers from members’ gardens – and if you’re unsure of an identification, there will usually be someone who can help.
Propagation Hobart Group Members meet for propagation sessions on the first Saturday of every month. They meet in the Group’s Nursery at the rear of the Kingston Primary School. (See map) The sessions start at 1.30 and finish at 5.00pm except June to August when they finish at 4.30pm. Plants are grown from cuttings, seed and root division in automated facilities and potted on to saleable sizes. Plants Sales are held in April and October and the sales funds are shared with the School for suitable projects. Propagation sessions enable Members to learn plant identification, propagation methods and growing conditions. Members may take home plants for their gardens and refreshments are enjoyed during the afternoons. Plants are provided for the School’s grounds, the Tasmanian Bushland Garden and other deserving causes. Plants are also shared with the other APST Groups.
When: First Saturday of each month
Time: 1:30pm
Where: Kingston Primary School, Church Street, Kingston - follow RED PATH on map
Drive up from Church Street around into Sherburd Street, then left up into the staff carpark between the school and the basketball courts. Park and walk up to the top of the carpark then left along the pathways at the back of the school to the cream 3m high Colourbond fence and through the gate.
Refer to the map above.
Kingborough Day Meetings
When: First Wednesday of each month, excluding January.
Time: 2:00pm
Where: Old Kingston Primary School Library Meeting Room in Block B, access and parking off Church Street to the rear of the Library Meeting rooms.
These get-togethers suit members who prefer not to drive at night.
There is a guest speaker and a friendly opportunity to show and discuss what is flowering in our gardens.
Hobart Group News
The Hobart group produce a monthly email (or print) newsletter to keep group members up-to-date with the upcoming program and it contains reports from the wide range of interesting activities undertaken by members. HGN connects all our members, and allows all members to be active in the group, regardless of physical ability or area of interest. It also provides a forum for discussion of important issues for the group.
Garden visits
Hobart Group have visited many gardens of members and friends, representing a wide range of garden styles, sizes and environments. These visits always include a convivial cuppa. Sometimes multiple gardens are visited in a day, or a garden visit and a walk are provided. Garden visits are a very popular activity and always provide inspiration and new ideas.
Walk to Cape Hauy, SE Tasmania
The ambition of our walks has diminished over the years. However, we continue to find great pleasure and inspiration in learning about native plants in their natural environment on more modest excursions, taking the time to observe nature closely.
The destinations - and the company - are always rewarding.
Excursion to Mt Field National Park
Excursions, Annual Lunch, Christmas picnic
A range of other excursions to interesting locations take advantage of significant natural flowering displays, new walking tracks, public gardens, the herbarium or other special interest destinations, for example following up guest speaker presentations.
Upcoming events
Contact us.
For further information, please contact Secretary,
Prue Wright at apsthobartsec@gmail.com