Gardens featuring Australian
Native Plants
Heritage Forest Tasmanian Native Plant Garden
Location: Heritage Forest Launceston, 3B Caswell St. Mowbray
Open: Seven days a week
Entry: Free
Website: www.apstas.org.au/Groups/Northern Group
Windsor Park Precinct Gardens
Location: 1 Windsor Drive, Riverside, Tas 7250
Open: Seven days a week
Entry: Free
Features: Rock landscaping, over 100 Tasmanian native plant species in dramatic setting
Inala Jurassic Garden
Location: 320 Cloudy Bay Rd. South Bruny TAS 7150
Open: Seven days a week 9 AM to 5 PM
Entry: Fees adult $10, Children $5
Phone: +61 3 62931217
Website: https://inalanature.com.au/garden
Inverawe Native Gardens
Location: 1564 Channel Highway, Margate, TAS 7054
Open: Seven days a week 1 September to the end of May, 9 AM to 6 PM, June to August, ring for an appointment
Entry: Fees apply, concessions welcome.
Gift Vouchers, annual passes, Eftpos available.
Tea on the Terrace, just a little extra.
Phone: +61 3 6267 2020
email: gardens@inverawe.com.au
Website: www.inverawe.com.au
Features: Tasmania's Largest Landscaped Native Garden.
Royal Tasmanian Botanical Garden
Location: Lower Domain Road, Queens Domain, Hobart
April: 8:00am - 5:30pm
May-August: 8:00am - 5:00pm
September: 8:00am - 5:30pm
October-March: 8:00am - 6:30pm
Entry: Donation
Phone: +61 3 6236 3075
website: www.rtbg.tas.gov.au
The Tasmanian Arboretum
Location: 46 Old Tramway Road (offC146), Eugenana, near Devonport, TAS
Open: 7 days a week in daylight hours
Entry: $5
Phone: +61 3 6427 2690
Website: www.tasmanianarboretum.org.au
Tasmanian Bushland Garden
Location: 5598 Tasman Highway, Buckland, TAS 7190
Open: 7 days a week in daylight hours
Entry: free
Website: https://sites.google.com/site/tasbushlandgarden/home/