List of Events

Carr Villa Flora Reserve - working bee
Meet at the Opossum Road (opposite 167) entrance to the Reserve. All tools will be provided.
Contact: Dale for further information

Cambridge Street Reserve - working bee
Meet at the Brougham Street entrance to the Reserve. All tools will be provided.
Contact: Dale for further information

Propagation at Northern Group Nursery
Contact: Janet
Location: Windsor Precinct, Riverside: see map below
Proceed down Windsor Drive past the Community Centre and playing fields and turn right just before the West Tamar Council depot. At the end, park on the right of the drive. The nursery is on the left.

Northern Group Meeting
General Meeting with Guest Speaker Peter Tuft who will speak to members on Arid Country Plants.
Plant of the Month -
Supper will be provided by Penny Gibson
For further details contact the Secretary at

Heritage Forest Tasmanian Native Plant Garden - working bee
Contacts: Suzanne and Fiona
Please being your own bucket and tools (weeders, secateurs, gloves, etc.) for weeding, pruning and mulching.
Morning tea is provided at the end, and of course a friendly chat for those who can stay.
Celebrating 10 years of the Tasmanian Native Garden at Mowbray

Cambridge Street Reserve - working bee
Meet at the Brougham Street entrance to the Reserve. All tools will be provided.
Contact: Dale for further information

Northern Group Plant Sales
Contact : Janet Hallam
Location: Max Fry Hall, 60 Gorge Road Trevallyn : sales commence at 10am and continues until sold out
Great variety of native flowers for your garden for sale

Carr Villa Flora Reserve - working bee
Meet at the Opossum Road (opposite 167) entrance to the Reserve. All tools will be provided.
Contact: Dale for further information

Northern Group Meeting
General Meeting with Guest Speaker Emma Van Lint who will talk to members on “Urban Greening”
Plant of the Month - Louise Skabo
Supper will be provided by Daphne Longman and Fiona Tilsley
For further details contact the Secretary at

Heritage Forest Tasmanian Native Plant Garden - working bee
Contact: Suzanne and Fiona
Please being your own bucket and tools (weeders, secateurs, gloves, etc.) for weeding, pruning and mulching.
Morning tea is provided at the end, and of course a friendly chat for those who can stay.
Celebrating 10 years of the Tasmanian Native Garden at Mowbray

Carr Villa Flora Reserve - working bee
Meet at the Opossum Road (opposite 167) entrance to the Reserve. All tools will be provided.
Contact: Dale for further information

Cambridge Street Reserve - working bee
Meet at the Brougham Street entrance to the Reserve. All tools will be provided.
Contact: Dale for further information

Propagation at Northern Group Nursery
Contact: Janet
Location: Windsor Precinct, Riverside: see map below
Proceed down Windsor Drive past the Community Centre and playing fields and turn right just before the West Tamar Council depot. At the end, park on the right of the drive. The nursery is on the left.

Northern Group Meeting
General Meeting with Guest Speaker Miguel De Salas who will talk to members about “Why Plant Names Change”.
Plant of the Month - To be confirmed
Supper will be provided by Lynne Mockridge
For further details contact the Secretary at

Heritage Forest Tasmanian Native Plant Garden - working bee
Contact: Suzanne and Fiona
Please being your own bucket and tools (weeders, secateurs, gloves, etc.) for weeding, pruning and mulching.
Morning tea is provided at the end, and of course a friendly chat for those who can stay.
Celebrating 10 years of the Tasmanian Native Garden at Mowbray

Carr Villa Flora Reserve - working bee
Meet at the Opossum Road (opposite 167) entrance to the Reserve. All tools will be provided.
Contact: Dale for further information

Cambridge Street Reserve - working bee
Meet at the Brougham Street entrance to the Reserve. All tools will be provided.
Contact: Dale for further information

Propagation at Northern Group Nursery
Contact: Janet
Location: Windsor Precinct, Riverside: see map below
Proceed down Windsor Drive past the Community Centre and playing fields and turn right just before the West Tamar Council depot. At the end, park on the right of the drive. The nursery is on the left.

Heritage Forest Tasmanian Native Plant Garden - working bee
Contact: Suzanne and Fiona
Please being your own bucket and tools (weeders, secateurs, gloves, etc.) for weeding, pruning and mulching.
Morning tea is provided at the end, and of course a friendly chat for those who can stay.
Celebrating 10 years of the Tasmanian Native Garden at Mowbray

Cambridge Street Reserve - working bee
Meet at the Brougham Street entrance to the Reserve. All tools will be provided.
Contact: Dale for further information

Propagation at Northern Group Nursery
Contact: Janet
Location: Windsor Precinct, Riverside: see map below
Proceed down Windsor Drive past the Community Centre and playing fields and turn right just before the West Tamar Council depot. At the end, park on the right of the drive. The nursery is on the left.

Carr Villa Flora Reserve - working bee
Meet at the Opossum Road (opposite 167) entrance to the Reserve. All tools will be provided.
Contact: Dale for further information

Heritage Forest Tasmanian Native Plant Garden - working bee
Contact: Suzanne and Fiona
Please being your own bucket and tools (weeders, secateurs, gloves, etc.) for weeding, pruning and mulching.
Morning tea is provided at the end, and of course a friendly chat for those who can stay.
Celebrating 10 years of the Tasmanian Native Garden at Mowbray

Carr Villa Flora Reserve - working bee
Meet at the Opossum Road (opposite 167) entrance to the Reserve. All tools will be provided.
Contact: Dale for further information

Cambridge Street Reserve - working bee
Meet at the Brougham Street entrance to the Reserve. All tools will be provided.
Contact: Dale for further information

Propagation at Northern Group Nursery
Contact: Janet
Location: Windsor Precinct, Riverside: see map below
Proceed down Windsor Drive past the Community Centre and playing fields and turn right just before the West Tamar Council depot. At the end, park on the right of the drive. The nursery is on the left.

Heritage Forest Tasmanian Native Plant Garden - working bee
Contact: Suzanne and Fiona
Please being your own bucket and tools (weeders, secateurs, gloves, etc.) for weeding, pruning and mulching.
Morning tea is provided at the end, and of course a friendly chat for those who can stay.
Celebrating 10 years of the Tasmanian Native Garden at Mowbray

Carr Villa Flora Reserve - working bee
Meet at the Opossum Road (opposite 167) entrance to the Reserve. All tools will be provided.
Contact: Dale for further information

Cambridge Street Reserve - working bee
Meet at the Brougham Street entrance to the Reserve. All tools will be provided.
Contact: Dale for further information

Propagation at Northern Group Nursery
Contact: Janet
Location: Windsor Precinct, Riverside: see map below
Proceed down Windsor Drive past the Community Centre and playing fields and turn right just before the West Tamar Council depot. At the end, park on the right of the drive. The nursery is on the left.

Heritage Forest Tasmanian Native Plant Garden - working bee
Contact: Suzanne and Fiona
Please being your own bucket and tools (weeders, secateurs, gloves, etc.) for weeding, pruning and mulching.
Morning tea is provided at the end, and of course a friendly chat for those who can stay.
Celebrating 10 years of the Tasmanian Native Garden at Mowbray

Cambridge Street Reserve - working bee
Meet at the Brougham Street entrance to the Reserve. All tools will be provided.
Contact: Dale for further information

Propagation at Northern Group Nursery
Contact: Janet
Location: Windsor Precinct, Riverside: see map below
Proceed down Windsor Drive past the Community Centre and playing fields and turn right just before the West Tamar Council depot. At the end, park on the right of the drive. The nursery is on the left.

Carr Villa Flora Reserve - working bee
Meet at the Opossum Road (opposite 167) entrance to the Reserve. All tools will be provided.
Contact: Dale for further information

Heritage Forest Tasmanian Native Plant Garden - working bee
Contact: Suzanne and Fiona
Please being your own bucket and tools (weeders, secateurs, gloves, etc.) for weeding, pruning and mulching.
Morning tea is provided at the end, and of course a friendly chat for those who can stay.
Celebrating 10 years of the Tasmanian Native Garden at Mowbray

Carr Villa Flora Reserve - working bee
Meet at the Opossum Road (opposite 167) entrance to the Reserve. All tools will be provided.
Contact: Dale for further information

Cambridge Street Reserve - working bee
Meet at the Brougham Street entrance to the Reserve. All tools will be provided.
Contact: Dale for further information

Propagation at Northern Group Nursery
Contact: Janet
Location: Windsor Precinct, Riverside: see map below
Proceed down Windsor Drive past the Community Centre and playing fields and turn right just before the West Tamar Council depot. At the end, park on the right of the drive. The nursery is on the left.

Heritage Forest Tasmanian Native Plant Garden - working bee
Contact: Suzanne and Fiona
Please being your own bucket and tools (weeders, secateurs, gloves, etc.) for weeding, pruning and mulching.
Morning tea is provided at the end, and of course a friendly chat for those who can stay.
Celebrating 10 years of the Tasmanian Native Garden at Mowbray

Society AGM & Council Meeting
Please join us for the Society’s Annual General Meeting which is being held at the Windsor Park Community Complex
Hosted by the Northern group, the meeting will commence at 10.30am.
This is an opportunity:
To vote in the Annual General Meeting
To see your council in action
Lunch will be provided.
Explore the native gardens of Windsor Park, visit the Northern Groups
nursery and hear Mark Wapstra talk on the subject “My Favourite Plants”.
Contact: Roy Skabo if further information required

Heritage Forest Tasmanian Native Plant Garden - working bee
Contact: Suzanne
Please being your own bucket and tools (weeders, secateurs, gloves, etc.) for weeding, pruning and mulching.
Morning tea is provided at the end, and of course a friendly chat for those who can stay.
Celebrating 10 years of the Tasmanian Native Garden at Mowbray

Northern Group Meeting
General Meeting with Guest Speaker Rees Campbell “Edible Food Plants”
Plant of the Month - Jeff Campbell
Supper will be provided by Sharon Percy
For further details contact the Secretary at

Carr Villa Flora Reserve - working bee
Meet at the Opossum Road (opposite 167) entrance to the Reserve. All tools will be provided.
Contact: Dale for further information

Propagation at Northern Group Nursery
Contact: Janet
Location: Windsor Precinct, Riverside: see map below
Proceed down Windsor Drive past the Community Centre and playing fields and turn right just before the West Tamar Council depot. At the end, park on the right of the drive. The nursery is on the left.

Cambridge Street Reserve - working bee
Meet at the Brougham Street entrance to the Reserve. All tools will be provided.
Contact: Dale for further information
Heritage Forest Tasmanian Native Plant Garden - working bee
Contact: Suzanne
Please being your own bucket and tools (weeders, secateurs, gloves, etc.)
Morning tea is provided at the end, and of course a friendly chat for those who can stay.
Celebrating 10 years of the Tasmanian Native Garden at Mowbray

Northern Group Meeting
General Meeting with Guest Speaker Rees Campbell who will talk to members about “Edible Food Plants”. Plant of the Months to be presented by Jeff Campbell.
Supper will be provided by Sharon Percy.
For further details contact the Secretary at

Northern Group Meeting
Annual General Meeting
Supper will be provided
For further details contact the Secretary at

Heritage Forest Tasmanian Native Plant Garden - working bee
Contact: Suzanne
Please being your own bucket and tools (weeders, secateurs, gloves, etc.) for weeding, pruning and mulching.
Morning tea is provided at the end, and of course a friendly chat for those who can stay.
Celebrating 10 years of the Tasmanian Native Garden at Mowbray

Northern Group Excursion
Ben Lomond National Park - Excursion rescheduled from January 13. Depending on the number of excursionists we may offer two options on the day. Fitter members might like to do the walk from the scout hut at Carr Villa up to the ski village while others will explore the ski village area including Hamilton Crags. Both options should offer excellent wildflowers. To help us plan for the day, could you please let Roy Skabo know on (0458 696 639) if you plan to attend and he will send you details.

Northern Group Excursion
Excursion to Waterhouse to collect a number of plant species with James Wood of the Tas Seed Conservation Centre. If you would like to participate, please contact Roy Skabo (0458 696 639) to let him know, in case it may be necessary to change arrangements due to weather and seed maturity.

Propagation at Northern Group Nursery
Contact: Janet
Location: Windsor Precinct, Riverside: see map below
Proceed down Windsor Drive past the Community Centre and playing fields and turn right just before the West Tamar Council depot. At the end, park on the right of the drive. The nursery is on the left.

Heritage Forest Tasmanian Native Plant Garden - working bee
Contact: Suzanne
Please being your own bucket and tools (weeders, secateurs, gloves, etc.)
Morning tea is provided at the end, and of course a friendly chat for those who can stay.
Celebrating 10 years of the Tasmanian Native Garden at Mowbray

Northern Group Excursion
Visit to the Fingal Valley to an area dominated by low angle granite slabs which sit above the South Esk River. Lunch at the river of back at Avoca weather depending. Return to Launceston after visiting the Tom Gibson Reserve at Epping Forest. See email from Northern Group Secretary 29 November for contact details of Ian Thomas.

Propagation at Northern Group Nursery
Contact: Janet
Location: Windsor Precinct, Riverside: see map below
Proceed down Windsor Drive past the Community Centre and playing fields and turn right just before the West Tamar Council depot. At the end, park on the right of the drive. The nursery is on the left.

Cambridge Street Reserve - working bee
Meet at the Brougham Street entrance to the Reserve. All tools will be provided.
Contact: Dale for further information

Carr Villa Flora Reserve - working bee
Meet at the Opossum Road (opposite 167) entrance to the Reserve. All tools will be provided.
Contact: Dale for further information

Heritage Forest Tasmanian Native Plant Garden - working bee
Contact: Suzanne
Please being your own bucket and tools (weeders, secateurs, gloves, etc.)
Morning tea is provided at the end, and of course a friendly chat for those who can stay.
Celebrating 10 years of the Tasmanian Native Garden at Mowbray

Northern Group Meeting
General Meeting with Guest Speaker Meg Hirst (Royal Melbourne Botanical Gardens) “Raising Rarities”
Plant of the Month - Anna McGrane
Supper will be provided by Anna McGrane and Karen Manning
For further details contact the Secretary at

Northern Group Excursion
Visit to Gilly Zack’s property at Notley to look at tree orchids and other plants. Further details later

Hobart Group Garden Visit
Visit to member Sue Newman’s garden.
We will meet there at 2pm, so need to leave Kingston at 1.15pm
Contact Carmen Walker if further details required

Carr Villa Flora Reserve - working bee
Meet at the Opossum Road (opposite 167) entrance to the Reserve. All tools will be provided.
Contact: Dale for further information

Propagation at Northern Group Nursery
Contact: Janet
Location: Windsor Precinct, Riverside: see map below
Proceed down Windsor Drive past the Community Centre and playing fields and turn right just before the West Tamar Council depot. At the end, park on the right of the drive. The nursery is on the left.

Cambridge Street Reserve - working bee
Meet at the Brougham Street entrance to the Reserve. All tools will be provided.
Contact: Dale for further information

State-wide Members’ Get-together 2024
The North West group are hosting the State-wide Members’ Get-together which will be based in Sheffield, with walks in the surrounding areas.
All events will begin and end at the Sheffield Uniting Church Hall, Corner Main & Henry Streets, which will include the Society’s Annual Dinner

Heritage Forest Tasmanian Native Plant Garden - working bee
Contact: Suzanne
Please being your own bucket and tools (weeders, secateurs, gloves, etc.)
Morning tea is provided at the end, and of course a friendly chat for those who can stay.
Celebrating 10 years of the Tasmanian Native Garden at Mowbray

Northern Group Plant Sales
Contact : Janet Hallam
Location: Max Fry Hall, Trevallyn: sales commence at 10am and continue until sold out
Great variety of native flowers for your garden for sale

Northern Group Meeting
General Meeting with Guest Speaker Mark Wapstra “Carnivorous Plants”
Plant of the Month - Janet Hallam
Supper will be provided by Kirstin Seaver & Catherine Pearce
For further details contact the Secretary at

Propagation at Northern Group Nursery
Contact: Janet
Location: Windsor Precinct, Riverside: see map below
Proceed down Windsor Drive past the Community Centre and playing fields and turn right just before the West Tamar Council depot. At the end, park on the right of the drive. The nursery is on the left.