Journal - Eucryphia
The Journal is published four times a year and available to members. It features topics relevant to native plant growing, details of programmes for the region and groups, reports from society and council members, lists of office bearers and study groups etc. The editor always welcomes articles on the Tasmanian flora and Australian plants growing in Tasmania.
Eucryphia - June 2020
The Acacia pictured was named after APST Life Members, Marion and John Simmonds OAM after 40 years of work of Acacia research - Acacia simmonsiana
Eucryphia lucida
The name of the Journal and APST logo are sourced from this plant. Well know by its common name Leatherwood, Eucryphia lucida is an endemic Tasmanian plant. It can be found in moist rainforests with low fire frequency, mainly in the western half of Tasmania such as Hartz, Mt Field and Cradle Mountain / Lake St Clair National Parks.
It flowers from summer to early autumn and grows to 6-12m high by 2-3m wide.
Eucryphia - March 2020
Eucryphia - December 2019