Epacris franklinii

Botanical Name: Epacris franklinii
Common Name: Western riverheath
Family: Ericaceae
Size: 0.5-1m H x 0.5-1.5m W
Leaves: Narrow, elliptical, taper to short acute point, 1-2 cm L. Prominent midrib on lower surface.
Flowers: Pure white, tubular, clustered at tips of branches.
Flowering Time: Winter/Spring
Fruit: Capsule
Habitat/distribution: Erect small spreading shrub. Locally common in riverbank vegetation in north west Tasmania. While plants grow above normal river flow levels, they can be subject to inundation during flooding events.
Where to See: Meander, Mersey, Pieman, Maxwell, Gordon, Franklin and King River systems in north western Tasmania.
Other notes: To cultivate would require some sun and moist well drained soil. Propagate from cuttings of firm young growth