Cryptandra amara

Botanical Name: Cryptandra amara
Common Name: Pretty pearlflower
Family: Rhamnaceae
Size: 0.15-0.3m H x 0.3-0.5m.
Leaves: Tiny (2-6 mm L), flat, oblong leaves, arranged alternatively.
Flowers: Abundant, tiny (3-4mm L), white tubular flowers. Single or in clusters of 2 or 3.
Flowering Time: Buds in April, flowers May-December.
Fruit: Capsule separates into singled seeded fruitlets. Seed reddish brown.
Habitat/distribution: Endangered, small, wiry, low growing shrub often intricately branched. Grows in some of the driest areas of Tasmania. Often associated with fertile rocky substrates. Also, Qld, NSW, SA, Vic.
Where to See: Rare in Tasmania. Found in Southern Midlands with pockets in the central East Coast, upper Derwent Valley and Northern Midlands.
Other notes: Status is endangered (Tasmanian Threatened Species List). Attractive garden plant, can be hard to establish. Can propagate from cuttings but difficult.