Calytrix tetragona

Botanical Name: Calytrix tetragona
Common Name: Common fringemyrtle
Family: Myrtaceae
Size: 0.6-1.2m H x 0.80-1.0m W.
Leaves: Bright green, small, narrow linear, alternate, crowded around stem, (3-6mm L). Aromatic when bruised.
Flowers: White/pink, clustered along branches, sometimes massed nearly hiding the leaves. Fringed effect provided by the calyx that tapers to a point behind each five-petalled, starry flower. Prominent stamens cluster in the centre of the flower.
Flowering Time: Spring/Summer
Fruit: Red to brown capsule, contains single seed.
Habitat/distribution: Typically forms a dense shrub. Often described as heath-like. Also WA, SA, QLD, NSW and ACT.
Where to See: Common in Tasmania, in moist coastal sites.
Other notes: Generally reliable in gardens, requiring full sun and good drainage. Tolerates frosts and dry conditions. Responds well to pruning and can be hedged. Propagation best by cuttings as seed hard to germinate.