Bauera rubioides

Botanical Name: Bauera rubioides
Common Name: Wiry bauera, dog rose or river rose
Family: Cunoniaceae
Size: 0.3-1.5m H
Leaves: Comprised of 3 leaflets closely attached to the stems. Leaflets about 3-15mm L.
Flowers: Usually deep to mid pink with yellow stamens on slender stalks (8-12mm diam). Usually 6 rounded petals. White forms also common.
Flowering Time: Spring, although can be sporadic throughout year.
Fruit: Capsule
Habitat/distribution: Small wiry shrub that can form dense thickets. Variable growth habit, more compact or prostrate on exposed sites and taller in shady sites. Grows in a wide range of moist habitats from sea level up to 1000 m. Also Qld., NSW, Vic. and SA.
Where to See: It is common throughout the state in moist sites below 1000 m.
Other notes: A popular and attractive border plant in gardens. Performs best in well drained moist soils, in sun or light shade. Can be pruned after flowering to keep compact. Easily raised from cuttings or seed. Able to withstand waterlogging for short periods.