Eucalyptus vernicosa

Botanical Name: Eucalyptus vernicosa
Common Name: Varnished gum
Family: Myrtaceae
Size: 0.5-2m H
Leaves: Juvenile and adult - similar, opposite with or without a stalk, small, to 2.5cm long, round to ovate with a small point, thick, green, glossy.
Flowers: The flower buds are arranged in groups of three in leaf axils on an unbranched peduncle up to 2 mm long, the individual buds sessile or almost so. Sometimes two of the buds in a group are lost so the buds appear singly. Mature buds are oval, 8–9 mm long and 3–5 mm wide, greenish brown and finely wrinkled with a conical operculum that is shorter than the floral cup.
Flowering Time: Summer
Fruit: Hemispherical, to 7mm across, valves usually level with rim. Often only 1 capsule developed.
Habitat/distribution: Restricted to exposed ridges and mountain tops in west and south-west.
Where to See: It is usually a low growing (sometimes prostrate) alpine or subalpine shrub.
Other notes: In the early 20th century E. vernicosa was harvested for its oil, which was believed to have medicinal properties.