Eucalyptus rubida

Botanical Name: Eucalyptus rubida
Common Name: candlebark/ribbon gum/white gum
Family: Myrtaceae
Size: 10-30m H
Leaves: Juvenile - stalkless, round to oval, glaucous, with red margins, to 4cm long; adult - lanceolate, green to grey, 9-15cm long, 1-3cm wide.
Flowers: The flower buds are arranged in leaf axils in groups of three on an unbranched peduncle, the individual buds sessile or a pedicel up to 4 mm long. Mature buds are oval to spindle-shaped, 5–9 mm long and 3–5 mm wide with a conical to rounded operculum.
Flowering Time: Summer/autumn.
Fruit: Hemispherical, 6mm across, valves slightly above rim.
Habitat/distribution: East and south-east where extends to lower slopes of Central Plateau, on poor soils. Also SA, Vic, NSW, Q.
Where to See: Grows on dry, nutrient poor soils.