Ozothamnus ledifolius

Botanical Name: Ozothamnus ledifolius
Common Name: Mountain everlasting bush (Kerosene plant).
Family: Asteraceae
Size: 0.5-1.5m H, 0.5 – 1.5m W.
Leaves:Leaves alternate and crowded. Narrow, 1cm long with revolute margins. Undersides are white and hairy, sometimes yellow from sticky exudate. Dead leaves persist on the stems for several years.
Flowers: Densely-packed tubular florets, forming corymbs at the end of stems. Buds are orange opening to white.
Flowering Time: Late spring, summer
Fruit: A cypsela (a single dried seed, attached to wispy remains of the calyx, the pappus, as with a dandelion seed).
Habitat/distribution: Endemic to Tasmania. Reasonably common heathland shrub in sunny, rocky, sub-alpine/Alpine habitats above 750m.
Where to See: Near summit viewing region Mt Wellington (kunyani) and Mt Field National Park (Lake Belcher track). Millers Bluff Great Western Tiers,
Other notes: Slow growing dense alpineshrub, with erect stems, and a rounded/conical shape. In summer it exudes a peppery fragrance and its flowers attract butterflies and birds. The shrub has an overall yellowish green colour.