Melaleuca pustulata

Botanical Name: Melaleuca pustulata
Common Name: warty bottlebrush
Family: Myrtaceae
Size: 1-2 m H, 1.5-2.5 m W
Leaves: Narrow linear, to 5 mm long and with oil glands on under surface.
Flowers: Pale yellow, forming bottle-brushes at ends of branches.
Flowering Time: Spring.
Fruit: Woody capsules in groups on the previous year’s growth.
Habitat/distribution: Moist, well-drained position often on rocky ground. Confined to the East Coast between Swansea and Freycinet Peninsula.
Where to See: Beside Tasman Highway north of Cranbrook; Dolphin Sands.
Other notes: Hardy garden plant adapting to most soils. Propagate from seed and cuttings.