Euphrasia collina

Botanical Name: Euphrasia collina
Common Name: Tall eyebright
Family: Scrophulariaceae
Size: 20-50cm H x 20-40cm W
Leaves: Narrow, small, shiny, opposite, with recurved margins and 1-3 lobes on apex, prominent central vein.
Flowers: White to shades of mauve, often with purple throat.
Flowering Time: Spring/summer.
Fruit: A capsule.
Habitat/distribution: Widespread in a variety of habitats from sandy/peaty heaths to rocky hillsides and alpine grasslands on eastern mountains. Also SA, Vic, NSW.
Where to See: National Park; Knocklofty Reserve; Wellington Park Organ Pipes and Old Hobartians Tracks and above the Chalet.
Other notes: Small perennial, semi-parasitic herb with erect reddish flower stems. Leaves without hairs, calyx 5mm long, flowers never striated, growing in lowland areas and eastern mountains.