Gompholobium huegelii

Botanical Name: Gompholobium huegelii
Common Name: Common wedgepea
Family: Fabaceae
Size: 15-30cm H x 30-60cm W
Leaves: Trifoliate, linear, grey/green leaflets, 6-16mm long, arising from a common stem.
Flowers: Pea with distinctive cream/yellow petals, shaded with black underside. The sepals and buds are grey.
Flowering Time: Spring/summer.
Fruit: An ovoid grey/black pod.
Habitat/distribution: Common in sandy heaths, also a brighter flower form on ironstone gravel. Also Vic, NSW.
Where to See: Waterhouse Reserve; Peter Murrell Reserve; Winifred Curtis Nature Reserve, Scamander; Bridport Wildflower Reserve; Diprose Lagoon Nature Reserve; Rocky Cape National Park; Schouten Island; Heritage Forest Tasmanian Native Garden; Royal Tasmanian Botanical Gardens; Tasmanian Bushland Garden, Buckland; and The Tasmanian Arboretum, Eugenana; also some home gardens.
Other notes: Small undershrub with a woody base. Large yellow pea flower with undersurface of petals and sepals grey. Prune after flowering to promote bushy growth.