Eryngium vesiculosum

Botanical Name: Eryngium vesiculosum
Common Name: Prickfoot
Family: Apiaceae
Size: 30-60cm W
Leaves: Light green, rigid, sharply pointed, arising from a stem with flattened upper surface and rounded lower surface.
Flowers: Small in oval to rounded heads up to 1cm W, arising from the leaf axil in tight umbels with a very prickly bract from under each flower head. The flowers are white maturing to blue. Flowering Time: Late spring/summer.
Fruit: A schizocarp.
Habitat/distribution: Widespread and common in moist coastal sand flats. Also SA, Vic, NSW, Q.
Where to See: Springlawn Lagoon, Narawntapu National Park; Flinders Island; Dago Plains, Circular Head; Discovery Beach, West Coast; Low Head, George Town; Latrobe; Near Campbell Town, Northern Midlands; Northdown wetlands near Far Lagoon; Musselroe Wind Farm, Cape Portland; Encampment Cove, Maria Island; Two Mile Beach, Bangor, Dunalley; Fulham Road, Dunalley.
Other notes: A compact, perennial, prostrate herb with a blue flowerheads on a prickly plant, in a swampy site. Short lived. Requires regular moisture and full sun. Would make an attractive rockery plant.