Epacris impressa

Common Name: Common heath
Family: Epacridaceae
Size: 50-100cm H x 20-50cm W
Leaves: Narrow, tapering, pointed, stalkless, spreading.
Flowers: White/pink/deep red, tubular with 5 distinct indentations (impressions) at the base (or stem end, hence the species name), axillary, extending up the stem.
Flowering Time: Mainly spring but spasmodic in autumn and winter.
Fruit: Small 5-celled capsule.
Habitat/distribution: Widespread and abundant in dry sclerophyll forests, from sea level to 800m. Also SA, Vic, NSW.
Where to See: Throughout Tasmania especially in well-drained soil and dappled shade to full sun. All National Parks and many city parks and gardens; Wellington Park, Knocklofty, Peter Murrell, Risdon Brook, Tom Gibson and many other Reserves; Meehan Range, Acton Park and many other places.
Other notes: Prune after flowering for bushy shape and size in home gardens.