Diplarrena moraea

Botanical Name: Diplarrena moraea
Common Name: White flag-iris
Family: Iridaceae
Size: 50-100cm H x 10-30cm W
Leaves: Stiff, erect, smooth, narrow to 1cm W x 75cm L.
Flowers: Long stalk, with 3 large white perianth (the calyx and corolla of a
flower) segments and inner segments with purple and yellow markings. Individual flowers only last a few days, but new ones emerge from the bud at the top of the stem. Thus the plant flowers over a long time.
Flowering Time: mainly spring but can extend into summer
Fruit: A brown capsule containing many seeds.
Habitat/distribution: Common and widespread around Tasmania in a range of habitats from sea level to 1000m. Also Vic, NSW.
Where to See: Throughout Tasmania especially open grassy areas; Meehan Range, Knocklofty, Tom Gibson, Cheltenham Park, Conningham and many more Reserves; Parks and National Parks; George Town, Latrobe, Flinders Island, Skullbone Plains, Waratah and many other places. Large swathes along the Lyell Highway, especially on the northern side, west of Derwent Bridge.
Other notes: Leaves and edges of leaves are smooth. Various forms exist in cultivation. Requires well-drained moist soil and full sun. Propagate by division of clumps, or from fresh seed which is very short lived.