Goodenia elongata

Botanical Name: Goodenia elongata
Common Name: Lanky native-primrose
Family: Goodeniaceae
Size: 5-30cm H x 30-50cm W
Leaves: Narrow, spathulate, 1-5cm L, with smooth edges, slightly hairy, widely spaced along the stem. Upper stem leaves smaller.
Flowers: Yellow, to 2.5cm across, single, on a fine stalk in the leaf axils.
Flowering Time: Spring
Fruit: An oval capsule to 6mm L.
Habitat/distribution: Widespread and common in moist areas. Also Vic.
Where to See: Throughout Tasmania especially in moist areas. Freycinet and Tasman National Parks; Maria and Bruny Islands, and some Reserves; Bruny and Maria Islands; Kellevie Road at the Carlton River Bridge.
Other notes: Flowers on fine stems without bracteoles (small leaf-like structures on a flower stem). Useful for moist areas but will tolerate periods of dry, with some sun, among other ground cover plants.