Coprosma nitida

Botanical Name: Coprosma nitida
Common Name: shining coprosma; mountain currant
Family: Rubiaceae
Size: 1-2.5m H, 1-1.5m W.
Leaves: Crowded, glossy, dark or bright green. Shape varies from narrow-elliptical to ovate-elliptical. Up to 20mm long
Flowers: Male and female flowers on separate plants (dioecious). Terminal and solitary, from short axillary shoots. Female flowers, greenish lemon tubes; male flowers wider funnel shape.
Flowering Time: Summer
Fruit: Orange-red oblong drupe, 10mm long. Fleshy, shiny, crowned by persistent calyx lobes.
Habitat/distribution: Sub-alpine areas, above 500m in Tas, Vic and NSW
Where to See: Ben Lomond, Mt Field, Derwent Bridge, Waratah, Central Highlands.
Other notes: The fruit is edible. In exposed areas, plants are lower and more prostrate.