Acacia mearnsii

Botanical Name: Acacia mearnsii
Common Name: Black wattle
Family: Fabaceae
Size: 7-10m H x 8m W.
Leaves: Feathery, 2.5 to 4 cm long, bright to dark green with numerous small glands on upper surface of mid-rib.
Flowers: Pale yellow, in spherical heads arranged in groups . Fragrant.
Flowering Time: Spring and summer.
Fruit: A flat brown pod up to 10 cm long, contracted between the seeds.
Habitat/distribution: Common and widespread in moist areas. Also SA, Vic., NSW, ACT, Qld
Where to See: Most parts of Tasmania from sea level to sub-alpine
Other notes: A fast-growing tree and a coloniser of disturbed land. Withstands dry conditions and frost. Easily propagated from seed. Can be short-lived due to attack by borers.