Dodonaea viscosa

Botanical Name: Dodonaea viscose
Common Name: Broadleaf hopbush
Family: Sapindaceae
Size: Shrub to small tree, 2-6m H x 2-3.5m W
Leaves: Oblong to spoon-shaped, green sticky, 2-8 cm long.
Flowers: small, in terminal clusters.
Flowering Time: Spring.
Fruit: Clusters of conspicuous green to red capsules with 3 or 4 wings.
Habitat/distribution: Widespread from cool to arid areas in light forest. Also WA, SA, Vic, NSW, Qld, NZ
Where to See: Cataract Gorge, Freycinet Peninsula, Orford, Natone Hill
Other notes: Hardy. Requires good drainage, Propagate by cuttings from chosen form.