Acacia melanoxylon


Botanical Name: Acacia melanoxylon
Common Name: Blackwood
Family: Mimosaceae
Size: 15-30m H x 10-15m W
Leaves: Grey/green phyllodes 4-10cm long, narrow at both ends, with 3-5 prominent veins

Flowers: Pale yellow balls, solitary or in racemes.
Flowering Time: Spring
Fruit: Curved pods containing shiny black seeds surrounded by reddish aril (seed stalk).
Habitat/distribution: Widespread in wet sclerophyll forests, on rich loamy soils in wet gullies and forests as a tall tree with dense foliage. Sparse in dry sclerophyll as an open, tall shrub or small tree. Also SA, Vic, NSW, Q.
Where to See: Throughout Tasmania, especially wetter areas, all National Parks and many city parks and gardens.
Other notes: Excellent for erosion control and shelter belts; sheep and goats will eat off the lower branches as high as they can reach. Suckers from damaged roots; beautiful furniture, panelling and craftwork timber especially when sourced from wet sclerophyll areas; prune for shape and size in home gardens.


Acacia leprosa


Acacia verticillata