Acacia leprosa

Botanical Name: Acacia leprosa var. graveolens
Common Name: Varnish wattle
Family: Mimosaceae
Size: 3-5m H x 3-5m W
Leaves: Bright, shiny green lanceolate phyllodes, 4-10cm long with 2 prominent veins.
Flowers: Pale bright yellow ball, 2-3 in the leaf axils.
Flowering Time: Late winter/spring/summer
Fruit: A straight leathery pod, 6-10cm long, with constriction between the seeds.
Habitat/distribution: Locally common in damp, shady areas. Also Vic, NSW, Q.
Where to See: Throughout Tasmania, especially moister areas, lower slopes of Mt Wellington.
Other notes: Hardy and adaptable in part shade, tolerates wet and dry periods. Prune for shape.