Acacia verticillata

Botanical Name: Acacia verticillata
Common Name: Prickly moses
Family: Mimosaceae
Size: 1-6m H x 3-5m W
Leaves: Pointed, elliptical, narrow phyllodes 1-2cm long, 1-7mm wide usually in whorls.
Flowers: Dense cylindrical or ovoid yellow spikes, in the leaf axils.
Flowering Time: Spring
Fruit: A narrow, twisted pod maturing to brown.
Habitat/distribution: Widespread especially in damp places. Also SA, Vic, NSW.
Where to See: Throughout Tasmania, especially damp areas, all National Parks and many city bushland parks and gardens; Wellington Park lower areas, Knocklofty and Peter Murrell Reserves. Common along roadsides.
Other notes: Useful as a coloniser of disturbed ground. Provides good habitat for small birds.