Bossiaea cordigera

Botanical Name: Bossiaea cordigera
Common Name: wiry bossiaea
Family: Fabaceae
Size: Wiry prostrate shrub. To 40 cm H x 0.5- 2m W
Leaves: Small, to 5mm, heart-shaped in opposite pairs.
Flowers: Golden-yellow pea flowers, with red centre and rear surface, on long stalks.
Flowering Time: Spring.
Fruit: Pod to 18mm long.
Habitat/distribution: Widespread in moist areas from sea level to 1000m. Also Vic.
Where to See: Frankford Highway near Birralee Rd, Lake Leake area, Highland Lakes Rd near Steppes Conservation Area
Other notes: Needs some moisture, tolerates some shade. Propagate from seed or tip cuttings.