Podolepis decipiens

Botanical Name: Podolepis decipiens
Common Name: Deceiving copperwire-daisy
Family: Asteraceae
Size: 20-60cm H
Leaves: A basal rosette, linear/lanceolate, 10-20cm long, smaller along the flower stem. Upper surface rough to touch.
Flowers: Single, bright yellow to 4cm diameter, with distinctively fringed ray florets and paper bracts at base.
Flowering Time: Early summer.
Fruit: an achene
Habitat/distribution: Widespread and locally common from sea level to alpine grasslands. Also SA, Vic, NSW, Qld.
Where to See: Cradle Mountain/Lake St Claire NP; Diprose Lagoon and Township Lagoon Nature Reserves; Lakes Highway, Central Plateau 3 km north of Breona; Waverly Flora Park; and many other locations.
Other notes: Requires well-drained moist soil in full sun. Short lived in cultivation. Conspicuous fringing of the bright yellow flowers. Podolepis decipiens is the widespread species in Tasmania, Podolepis jaceoides is found on Flinders Island.