Pimelea linifolia

Botanical Name: Pimelea linifolia
Common Name: Slender riceflower
Family: Thymelaeaceae
Size: 0.5-1.5m H x 0.5-1.5m W.
Leaves: Elliptical, green, shiny, opposite, 8-20mm long.
Flowers: In nodding terminal heads, tubular, cream, with conspicuous orange stamens and large red/green bracts.
Flowering Time: Late spring
Fruit: Dry and nut-like.
Habitat/distribution: Widespread and abundant in heathland and in understorey of moist forest. Also SA, Vic, NSW, Q.
Where to See: Big Punch Bowl and Long Point, Bridport Wildflower, Hawthorn Road - Maranoa Heights, Knocklofty Reserve and Peter Murrell Reserves; Cradle Mountain and Lake St Clair, Narawntapu, Rocky Cape and Tasman National Parks; Luther Point Coastal Track ñ Orford; Schouten Island; Wellington Park.
Other notes: Nodding creamy flowers and the colourful bracts. A plant for well drained moist soil, in part shade. Requires regular pruning for shape.