Acacia terminalis


Botanical Name: Acacia terminalis
Common Name: Sunshine wattle
Family: Mimosaceae
Size: 1-4m H x 1-3m W
Leaves: Bipinnate, the leaflets to 1cm long, dark green upper surface with pale green undersurface, stems angular.
Flowers: Globular, cream/bright yellow, or rarely pink, on racemes of varying lengths.
Flowering Time: Autumn/early winter
Fruit: Long, broad, reddish, wrinkled pod.

Habitat/distribution: Widespread from the coast to the lower highlands, in various habitats. Also Vic, NSW.
Where to See: Throughout Tasmania, especially dry sclerophyll areas, most lower National Parks and many city bushland parks and gardens. Lower areas of Wellington Park, Freycinet, Forestier Tasman, Peninsulas and Rocky Cape NPs, St Helens area.
Other notes: Fast growing but often short-lived. Subject to borer attack and this may often shorten life. This species has the largest leaflets of all the Tasmanian bipinnate (fern-like) species and the largest seed of all Tasmanian species. Prune for shape; revegetation species for rocky sites such as quarries.


Podolepis decipiens


Allocasuarina littoralis