Pimelea flava

Botanical Name: Pimelea flava
Common Name: Yellow riceflower
Family: Thymelaeaceae
Size: 50-100cm H x 50-75cm W.
Leaves: Elliptical, 4-12mm long, opposite on very short stalks, with prominent mid-vein.
Flowers: Erect head of lime green bracts opening to reveal bright yellow, terminal clusters of flowers. Male and female are occasionally on separate plants.
Flowering Time: Late winter/spring.
Fruit: A cluster of several hairy 1-seeded capsules.
Habitat/distribution: Heavy soil that retains some moisture, on sheltered sites. Small plant populations in widespread locations in the north, north-east and south-east. Also SA, Vic, NSW.
Where to See: Forestier Peninsula around Murdunna; Latrobe area including Kermode Creek, Roaring Magg Hill; Tasman NP; Woodvine Nature Reserve N boundary.
Other notes: Appears to be short lived in cultivation. Requires constant moisture and tolerates semi-shade. Distinguishing feature is its yellow flowers.