Veronica derwentiana

Botanical Name: Veronica derwentiana
Common Name: derwent speedwell
Family: Scrophulariaceae
Size: 0.75-2cm H, 1-2m W.
Leaves: Alternate, stem clasping pairs, ovate, pointed with toothed margins, 7-10cm
Flowers: Racemes to 20cm long, pale blue to white, in the axils of the upper leaves
Flowering Time: Early summer
Fruit: A capsule
Habitat/distribution: Widespread in moist shaded gullies
Where to See: The type form is found along the Derwent river.
Other notes: Inconspicuous when not in flower. Tolerates part shade, likes moist conditions. Propagate from seeds or cuttings. Attracts butterflies and blue-banded bees. Previously called Derwent derwentiana