Tetragonia tetragonoides

Botanical Name: Tetragonia tetragonoides
Common Name: new zealand spinach
Family: Aizocaceae
Size: Succulent, prostrate, perennial herb with branches to 1 m long.
Leaves: Fleshy, triangular, 3-8 cm long with pointed tips.
Flowers: Flowers yellow, 4-petalled, inconspicuous, solitary.
Flowering Time: Spring.
Fruit: Succulent round berries, green ripening to red/black.
Habitat/distribution: Dry sandy areas near the north and east coasts. Also SA, Vic, NSW, NZ.
Where to See: Bridport, Swansea, Stanley.
Other notes: Edible plant. Grows well in full sun and with good drainage. Propagate from seed or cuttings.