Stylidium graminifolium

Botanical Name: Stylidium graminifolium
Common Name: Narrowleaf triggerplant
Family: Stylidiaceae
Size: 5-50cm (H) x 10-20cm (W)
Leaves: Crowded, linear, with a blunt tip, 5-20cm long, grass-like leaves.
Flowers: A long spike of numerous white/pink/dark pink flowers with 2 pairs of petals and small white projections at the throat.
Flowering Time: Spring/summer.
Fruit: small many-seeded capsule.
Habitat/distribution:Widespread, in a variety of habitats. Spectacular mass display. Also SA, Vic, NSW, Q.
Where to See: Common in infertile places throughout Tasmania, including very dry, rocky areas in the east and waterlogged peats in the west.
Other notes: The unique trigger action of the flower is conspicuous in this species.