Prostanthera rotundifolia

Botanical Name: Prostanthera rotundifolia
Common Name: Roundleaf mintbush
Family: Lamiaceae
Size: 1.5-2m (H) x 1-2m (W)
Leaves: Crowded, dark green, rounded, margin with a few indentations, glands present, 5-10mm long.
Flowers: White/pink/mauve, in dense terminal racemes. Calyx 2-lipped.
Flowering Time: Spring
Fruit: 4 ridged nutlets.
Habitat/distribution: Very limited distribution in the north and east. Also SA, Vic, NSW.
Where to See: North and East Tasmania along riverbanks and on rocky hillsides.
Other notes: Rounded bush with round leaves producing a strong mint aroma when crushed.