Eucalyptus gunnii

Botanical Name: Eucalyptus gunnii
Common Name: Cider gum
Family: Myrtaceae
Size: 10-20m H
Leaves: Juvenile – rounded to ovate, heart-shaped base, notched apex, greyish green, to 4cm long; adult – elliptic to ovate, grayish green or green, to 8cm long.
Flowers: White. The flowers are arranged in leaf axils in groups of three on an unbranched peduncle 3–9 mm long, the individual buds sessile or on a pedicle up to 4 mm long. Mature buds are oval, 5–9 mm long and 3–5 mm wide with a conical, rounded, or flattened operculum.
Flowering Time: Summer
Fruit: Cylindrical to 9mm across, valves slightly below rim.
Habitat/distribution: Occurs in poorly drained, frost-prone woodland on Central Plateau with a small population in the south, 600-1100m.
Where to See: Usually occupying poorly drained sites in cold upland areas.
Other notes: The indigenous people of Tasmania used the sap of the tree to produce a fermented beverage called way-a-linah.