Hakea lissosperma

Botanical Name: Hakea lissosperma
Common Name: Mountain needlebush
Family: Proteaceae
Size: Conical shrub or small tree, Ht2 -6 m W.1.5 - 3 m
Leraves: Cylindrical and rigid, deep green; straight or curved with sharp point; up to 15cm long
Flowers: White/cream profuse spider-like in axillary clusters along the stem
Flowering Time: Late spring/summer
Fruit: Oval follicle shaped with a prominent bt short beak. Warty surfaceabout 3 x 2.5 cm dark purplish brown
Habitat/distribution: Widespread in rocky woodland from coast to 1300m. Also, Vic, NSW
Other notes: Low-growing forms sometimes found; good nesting sites for birds