Eucryphia milliganii

Botanical Name: Eucryphia milliganii
Common Name: Dwarf leatherwood
Family: Cunoniaceae
Size: Ht 1.5–3 m. W 2-3 m
Leaves: Opposite, oblong, 1-2cm long; dark shiny upper surface, light hairy lower; blunt point and stalked
Flowers: four white rounded petals with prominent stamens tipped with burgundy on short stalk in the leaf axils towards end of the stems.
Flowering Time: Summer/autumn
Fruit: Leathery capsule which splits into boat shaped sections containing winged seeds.
Habitat/distribution: High rainfall alpine shrubberies mostly above 800m in the south and south-west. Occasionally lower in the west
Other notes: Resembles E. lucida but is smaller in all parts and usually in more exposed conditions. Propagate from seed and cuttings but hard to maintain in cultivation.