Eucalytus amygdalina

Botanical Name: Eucalyptus amygdalina
Common Name: Black peppermint
Family: Myrtaceae
Size: Medium tree up to 30 m H
Leaves: Adult leaves - bluish/green, narrow, lance shaped to linear (7-10cm L x 1cm W) arranged alternatively along the stems. Juvenile leaves – green, narrow, lance shaped, 5-8 cm L.
Flowers: White flowers clustered in groups of 11-15.
Flowering Time: November to January.
Fruit: Cup shaped fruit 4-7mm in diam.
Habitat/distribution: Exhibits rough finely fibrous bark on trunk. Found in dry sclerophyll forest and grassy woodland, sea level to 900 m, on steep or undulating terrain. Grows in well drained, infertile soils.
Where to See: Widespread in Tasmania except for the South West
Other notes: IUCN Red List - Near Threatened