Pomaderris elliptica

Botanical Name: Pomaderris elliptica
Common Name: yellow dogwood
Family: Rhamnaceae
Size: 2-8m H, 1-3m W.
Leaves: Leathery, 3-10cm long, elliptic to ovate, upper surface smooth, undersurface covered with rusty hairs.
Flowers: Yellow, profuse, in terminal clusters forming much-branched heads with brown floral bracts. Petals usually present.
Flowering Time: Spring.
Fruit: A 3-celled capsule.
Habitat/distribution: Common shrub of dry and wet sclerophyll forest. Also Vic, NSW.
Where to See:
Other notes: It is a good specimen to use as a hedge as it can be pruned easily. Yellow flowers are quite distinctive and 'frothy'-looking from a distance. Variety diemenica is endemic to Tasmania.