Olearia phlogopappa

Botanical Name: Olearia phlogopappa
Common Name: dusty daisybush
Family: Asteraceae
Size: 0.5-2m H, 0.5-1m W.
Leaves: Narrow, elliptical, variable, 1-4cm long on a short stalk, dark green to grey upper surface, densely hairy undersurface with irregularly round-toothed or entire margins.
Flowers: Most commonly white but can be a blue or pink daisy in dense, terminal clusters from the side branches. Usually 10-14 ray florets.
Flowering Time: Spring to early summer.
Fruit: An achene.
Habitat/distribution: Widespread and common from coast to mountains, in both dry and wet sclerophyll forest. Also Vic, NSW.
Where to See:
Other notes: Well drained, sunny position, flowering reduced with part shade. Good color forms commercially available. Propagate from seed or tip cuttings.