Platylobium obtusangulum

Botanical Name: Platylobium obtusangulum
Common Name: common flatpea
Family: Fabaceae
Size: 50-100cm H, decumbent (spreading) or sometimes erect
Leaves: Triangular, 2 acute points, tapering to 3rd sharp, pointed apex. 1.5-2.5cm long, from wiry stems.
Flowers: Orange yellow pea with red centre, emerge from prominent brown clasping bracts, on short stalks only 3-4mm long. Solitary from leaf axil (axillary) or 2 to 3 clustered from upper axils.
Flowering Time: Oct - Nov
Fruit: Hairy pod, 2.5cm long, 1.2cm wide.
Habitat/distribution:Dry open forests, widespread but small populations in eastern Tasmania (from Midlands to east coast), Launceston, south as far as Hobart. Also in Vic and SA.
Where to See:Junction of Coles Bay Road with East Coast Highway, Powranna Reserve, Tom Gibson Reserve, Carr Villa Reserve, Cambridge St. Reserve.
Other notes: Can be confused with P. triangulare whose bracts are less concealing of the flower.