Oxylobium ellipticum

Botanical Name: Oxylobium ellipticum
Common Name: Golden shaggypea
Family: Fabaceae
Size: 1-2.5m H x 1-2m W.
Leaves: Elliptical, 1-4 cm long, edges turned down, dark green and veined above, hairy and silvery or rust-coloured below.
Flowers: Bright orange-yellow pea flowers in groups at ends of branches.
Flowering Time: Spring
Fruit: An ovoid, pointed pod to 7 mm long.
Habitat/distribution: Widespread from sea level to over 1000 m. Also Vic, NSW, ACT Qld.
Where to See: Mt Barrow, Ben Lomond NP, Great Lake, Mt Wellington.
Other notes: Requires good drainage. Will tolerate some shade and frost. Propagate from seed or cuttings.