Myoporum parvifolium

Botanical Name: Myoporum parvifolium
Common Name: creeping boobialla (Tas), creeping myoporum
Family: Myoporaceae
Size: Spreading groundcover 1.5m long, 2-3m wide
Leaves: 2-3cm long, linear-spathulate (broad rounded end tapering to base)
Flowers: Small white flower, 5 petals with tiny purple spots. Appear from leaf axil, mostly solitary but sometimes 2 or 3 clustered together.
Flowering Time: Spring – summer, sometimes sporadic
Fruit: An ovoid shaped drupe, 4-6mm long.
Habitat/distribution: Coastal salt plain habitat on Flinders Island. Also, WA, SA, Vic, NSW.
Where to See: Flinders Island on coastal salt flats at 2 west coast locations only – Long Point, and just north of Whitemark.
Other notes: Extremely rare in its natural habitat. Listed as vulnerable on the Tasmanian Threatened Plants Register. Is an excellent and attractive groundcover, easy to propagate and therefore is widely cultivated in gardens, parklands and roadside embankments. Variations exist – sometimes pale-lilac flower, sometimes finer leaf.