Microcachrys tetragona

Botanical Name: Microcachrys tetragona
Common Name: Creeping pine
Family: Podocarpaceae
Size: Prostrate conifer. 1-2m W
Leaves: Small (to 1.5 mm), crowded, in opposite pairs, each pair at right angles to the previous one.
Cones: Male and female cones on separate plants. Female cones terminal, red and fleshy; male cones terminal and smaller than female cones.
Habitat/distribution: Frequent on exposed ridges and wet moors above 1000m on mountains of the Central Plateau, west and southwest. Endemic.
Where to See: Cradle Mt., Walls of Jerusalem, Great Lake
Other notes: Prefers full sun. Good container plant. Propagate from cuttings or seed (after cold treatment i.e. stratification).