Chamaescilla corymbosa

Botanical Name: Chamaescilla corymbosa var corymbosa
Common Name: Blue stars
Family: Liliaceae
Size: 10-15cm H x 10-20cm W
Leaves: Linear to 15cm long x 1.5-5cm w with hairy margins, tapering to a point, in a basal tuft that dies off in summer.
Flowers: 1 to 6, blue, with 6 rounded petals on a stalk up to 25cm h, twisting as the flower dies.
Flowering Time: Spring
Fruit: a 3 lobed capsule
Habitat/distribution: Moist sand or peaty heaths or light forest from sea level to 200m in the NW, NE, Midlands and SE. Also, WA, SA, Vic, Qld.
Where to See: Cheltenham Reserve, Adventure Bay, Port Arthur, Northern Midlands, Rosny Hill, Howrah, George Town.
Other notes: Apparently short-lived in cultivation in well drained, part sun areas. The only Chamaescilla species in Tasmania.