Bulbine glauca

Botanical Name: Bulbine glauca
Common Name: Bluish bulbine-lily
Family: Liliaceae
Size: 15-60cm H x 10-30cm W
Leaves: Tufted, succulent, linear tapering to a pointed tip, bluish green, furrowed to 30cm long.
Flowers: 6 yellow petals on a spike to 50cm tall, multiple flowers opening one at a time for a day or two each.
Flowering Time: Spring/summer
Fruit: A globular capsule containing many seeds.
Habitat/distribution: Tolerates wide range of conditions from coastal to alpine and rocky outcrops in wet sclerophyll forest. Also SA, Vic, NSW.
Where to See: Coastal track around Rosny Hill, Maria Island, Coningham Reserve, St Marys, Scamander, along NE coast, Launceston and many other places.
Other notes: The Golden bulbine-lily, Bulbine bulbosa, has a bulb like tuber, greener leaves and is rarer than the Bluish bulbine-lily.