Pimelea drupacea

Botanical Name: Pimelea drupacea
Common Name: Cherry riceflower
Family: Thymelaeaceae
Size: 1-3m H x 0.5-1m W.
Leaves: Arranged in pairs, elliptical in shape, green upper surface, slightly hairy undersurface with prominent veins.
Flowers: Small white/cream terminal clusters which may appear to be axillary because of the shortness of branchlet, with 2 leaf like bracts and 2 central orange stamens. As the flowers mature they tend to develop a pink throat.
Flowering Time: Late spring.
Fruit: Maturing to a shiny ovoid black drupe.
Habitat/distribution: Widespread and common as understorey in wet sclerophyll forests. Also Vic.
Where to See: Wide spread in wet sclerophyll; throughout the south west, west, north west, north east and south east; Maria, Bruny and Bass Strait Islands; Cradle Mountain and Lake St Claire, Hartz Mountain and Tasman NPs; Wellington Park; Richardsons Road near High Yellow Bluff, MacGregor Road, Forestier Peninsula.
Other notes: Black shiny, ovoid fruit on plant in wet forests. A hardy plant for moist locations in part shade to full sun. Tip pruning after fruiting enhances the plant, The black shiny fruit attracts birds.