Leptorhynchos squamatus subsp. squamatus

Botanical Name: Leptorhynchos squamatus subsp. squamatus
Common Name: Scaly buttons
Family: Asteraceae
Size: 10-20cm H
Leaves: Lanceolate, 1-3cm long, hairy, alternate, at the base of the floral stem.
Flowers: Bright yellow, compact, button-like, terminal daisy.
Flowering Time: Spring/summer.
Fruit: An achene.
Habitat/distribution: Widespread, in a variety of habitats from dry coastal to elevated grasslands. Also SA, Vic, NSW.
Where to See:; Big Punch Bowl and Long Point; Bridport Wildflower, Diprose Lagoon Nature, Knocklofty, Peter Murrell and Township Lagoon Nature Reserves; Rocky Cape, Freycinet and Tasman NPs; many places along the north, north east and east coasts; Heritage Forest Tasmanian Native Garden; Royal Tasmanian Botanical Gardens; Tasmanian Bushland Garden, Buckland; and The Tasmanian Arboretum, Eugenana; also many home gardens.
Other notes: Wiry stems with leaves only at the base. This small wiry herbaceous perennial plant is usually found in clumps. It prefers full sun and good drainage.